Saturday, April 1, 2017

A Touchy Subject

My entire life I've always been fat.
I had always been 'chubby' in my youth. What can I say? I like(d) food. Sweets in particular.
I've never been thin. I've never been able to run a mile without panting like a dog in the hot sun and passing out. I've never been able to shop in the clearance section and find my size. As a plus size gal these are things I've learned to live with.
As I grew older, I also grew aware that I wasn't 'conventionally' pretty. I didn't have a great complexion (hello pizza face). I've always had a gut and thunder thighs. And I'm more awkward than anything.
I've always surrounded myself with beautiful people. A lot of my friends were (are) gorgeous. Thin, perky, friendly, in my eyes perfect.
Growing up I can't begin to explain how hard this was on my self esteem. I haven't been under 200lbs since 7th grade. I've always been obese. I was weird, emo, never popular.

This year I've decided to make a change. I'm done being my weight. I want to better myself.
Ever since I've contemplated getting married, I look in the mirror and think, "Is this the body I want to look at coming down the isle?" While my self esteem at the age of 20 is high, and I do in fact love my body. It's just not healthy to be my size.

My doctors have all told me the same thing. Lose weight. It's to the point where it's affecting my health. So it's time to make changes.

I've joined a gym, I've been going 3-4 timed a week and working my ass off. In just three weeks I've been able to lose 8lbs and just the other day I hired a trainer for six weeks to keep my ass in check.
She told me I should be able to lose at least 10lbs a month. With my age a factor and the fact that I've never really exercised the first 30lbs should melt right off. I'm hoping this is true.

My goal is to be 175. This was my weight in 7th grade. I haven't been in the hundreds in 8 or 9 years.

Here's to a better me
This is just the beginning.

Start 212lb
Goal 175lb

Till Midnight,

Building a Life

Things are different.
But different isn't always bad. Stuff happens so quickly in life and often you forget to stop and appreciate life.
Last year I moved in with this amazing person. He's all I could have ever asked for in a man. He's simply amazing. He's kind and loving. Passionate and driven. I absolutely adore his family and they (i think) adore me as well. It's the type of relationships your read about in books or watch in movies. Who would've known that meeting a strange man on the internet could have turned out so wonderful.
These past few weeks him and I have been talking about purchasing a house.
We moved in together May of 2016 we rented this small 400sqft Loft style apartment just on the outside of the city, close to my college and smack dab in between both of our jobs. Our tiny apartment ended up getting tinier when we moved our rescue dog, Crash Bandicoot, in.
With our quarters growing smaller we begged our property manager to move us.
We moved into a 900sqfr two bedroom apartment. We were content for a while. But we've decided that this home too we are outgrowing. We're over the rickety porches and the crappy insulation that sky rockets our consumers bill through the roof. Thankfully we were capable to make an addendum to our lease and we'll be leaving on Halloween.
Recently our relationship has been growing more serious. As Andrew and I reach our three year mark we have been talking a lot about our future together and where we see ourselves in life.
We've decided to look into purchasing a home. It's an exciting thought. Being able to purchase our first home while only being in our early 20s, after all not many people our age are capable of doing that.

Here's to hoping that we'll find something worth our wild and that things will be turning out for us in the long run!

Until Midnight,